Thursday, December 7, 2006

Jaime Pressley took NINE pregnancy tests “just to make sure”

I totally can identify with this, actually:

Actress JAIME PRESSLEY was so excited about becoming a mother she took nine pregnancy tests just to make sure she was expecting.
Pressley and fiance ERIC CUBICHE are awaiting a baby in May (07).
She explains, "I’ve wanted to be a mom for so long! It’s a powerful thing for your relationship to know that you’re both doing this together." The 29-year-old says she has put Cubiche to work reading parenting books saying, "I highlight parts I need him to do." She also insists that part of his new duties include keeping her cravings for McDonald’s Big Macs satisfied, adding, "He’s so patient and understanding."

I had wild cravings for mashed potatoes!