A friend just e-mailed me a link for a free copy of Derek Webb’s new album “Mockingbird”. This is a full album, all songs in MP3 format. No copy restriction, no restrictions period. The only thing you need to do is sign-up and share the option with five friends.
so this is why, on september 1st, we’re launching freederekwebb.com, a place where anyone can go online and not just hear but actually download, keep, and share ‘mockingbird’ completely for free. In addition, freederekwebb.com will give you an opportunity to invite your friends to download ‘mockingbird’ in order to get them in on the conversation as well.
we hope this bold campaign will provide a jumping off point for conversations about all of these issues, and communicate my commitment to playing my part in starting them. so please help us spread the word: on september 1st, ‘mockingbird’ will be set free!
Here’s a bit of what Christianity Today had to say about Derek Webb and his music.
From his 2003 solo debut, the critically-acclaimed She Must and Shall Go Free, to the artistically-challenging I See Things Upside Down, Webb has a message to deliver and he isn’t shy about saying just what he thinks. His third solo studio disc, Mockingbird, tackles subjects from social justice and politics to relationships in a raw way that is sure to make some people uncomfortable. And that’s okay with Webb. The Church has been comfortable for far too long.
I’ve listened to this entire album all the way through once and I love his sound and excellent lyrics. If you’ve never heard of Derek Webb or his music, or have been a lifelong fan, take advantage of this opportunity and grab this free album and spread the good news.
For more information, visit these sites:
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