Tuesday, December 5, 2006

80s Movies Monday-Best of the Worst #6

TootsieFor our sixth week of the Best of the Worst of the 80’s movies, we arrive at the Dustin Hoffman classic, Tootsie.

Says Steve of Inside Fatherhood:

Tootsie I couldn’t stand it for some reason. Everybody else around me liked it and watched it a million times. I couldn’t stand to be in the same room. Bad memories… bad bad memories….

I didn’t dare ask what those bad memories were, but you’re welcome to question him if you’re curious. ;) I happen to love Tootsie and watched it every chance I got. There have only been one or two Dustin Hoffman flicks that I didn’t like, and this wasn’t one of them.

So, what do you think? Dustin in drag, yes or no? Can you believe he turns 70 next August? I wouldn’t have guessed it.

Thanks, Steve, for participating! You can check Steve out at his personal site, Silly Dad. From what I’ve read and experienced so far, the title fits the man. :D